Before the ship sets sail, they hold a "muster drill" (aka lifeboat drill). We hid out in our cabin during the drill, although we were discovered by our room steward. Even though we skipped out, we still practiced and listened to instructions over the PA. Here's my brother Jason trying on the life jacket.
Dinner on the second evening of the cruise was the Captain's Dinner, where everyone dresses up nice and formal. This is Mark (Leslie's brother) and I at the dinner, hanging out and laughing at Jann-isms (read below).
Zubin our waited pulled the best practical joke on my brother at the dinner. Jason ordered a double espresso with his dessert. Zubin set Leslie up with her camera as he then pretended to slip and drop the double espresso into Jason's lap. Leslie captured the moment with absolute brilliance.... The cup was empty.
On the last night of a cruise, the entire wait staff in the dining room comes out to lip synch a song and they take folks from the tables to join them. This time they performed "YMCA" and one waiter pulled this elderly lady up to sing along.
At first we thought she might have had too much wine, but by the end of the song, it seemed like she was just falling asleep while standing there. All the singing and hand motions seemed to tire her out.
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